Data democracy

Data democratization does not involve the process of diversifying data so that there is something for everyone. It involves the democratization of meaningful ACCESS to data! If you don’t think your business users need data, you need to think about the tasks you assign these users every day. We live in an era of employee accountability and empowerment and most enterprises have already realized the need for access to data and the ways in which business users can leverage this data to fulfill their role, accomplish activities and sustain performance.


BUT, when an enterprise invests in a business intelligence solution to enable its users, it often finds that BI tools do not meet its expectations for accessibility, mobility or self-service, and the cost to customize, train and upgrade these solutions is prohibitive. So, how does an organization really implement a data democratization and self-serve BI project?

I can answer that question! Select a BI tool that will allow users to a) access and analyze data integrated from disparate data sources, b) access data in a high-performance, mobile environment on a desktop, tablet, laptop or smart phone, c) allow users the flexibility to create personalized dashboards, reports, and alerts and share data without having a degree in programming or being a data scientist. I could go on, but I won’t. These are just some of the ways you can implement data democratization and transform your business users into a team of Citizen Data Scientists – all without a undertaking a crazy expensive, insanely complicated BI project! Here’s the secret to Data Democratization.

Original Source – Achieve Data Democratization with the Right Self-Serve BI Tool