Do I Need Both BI Tools and Augmented Analytics?

Why You Need Both BI Tools and Augmented Analytics and What to Consider When Selecting a Vendor

According to a West Monroe Partners’ survey, 68% of business and technology leaders surveyed don’t believe their competitors are leveraging data successfully. Obviously, when it comes to your competitive market space, your business does not want to exist in that 68% of the pie chart! Your senior execs and managers want to leverage data and information to gain a competitive advantage and succeed.

Citizen Data Scientists Can Help You Achieve Your Goals!

Think of What Citizen Data Scientists Can Do to Help Your Business!

Whether you have recently been nominated to become a Citizen Data Scientist or you are considering the value of this type of transition for your business, managers and team members alike often ask exactly what a Citizen Data Scientist can do. According to technology research firm, Gartner, the number of Citizen Data Scientists will grow at five times the rate of traditional data scientists. If that’s the case, there must be something to this trend, right?

Embedded BI with APIs: A Simple Path to OEM and ISV Success!

The technology research and consulting firm, Gartner predicted that ‘By 2023, 60% of organizations will compose components from three or more analytics solutions to build business applications infused with analytics that connect insights to actions.’

3 Things Citizen Data Scientists Need in Predictive Analytics!

The technology research firm, Gartner has predicted that, ‘predictive and prescriptive analytics will attract 40% of net new enterprise investment in the overall business intelligence and analytics market.’ When combined with Citizen Data Scientist initiatives, the adoption and use of predictive modeling and forecasting techniques can be a boon to any enterprise. Team members who have access to augmented analytics and assisted predictive modeling can plan better, predict more accurately and dependably meet goals and objectives.

Why Does My Business Need NLP Search Analytics?

The What and Why of NLP Search Analytics and How it Can Help Your Business!

If your business is considering an advanced analytics solution, your IT and management team has probably already done some research and concluded that the concept of augmented analytics designed to support business users is the right way to go. To democratize data, improve data literacy and transition business users to the Citizen Data Scientist role, the business must select the right solution and plan for success.

Smarten Announces Free Online Citizen Data Scientist Course Available to All!

Smarten Announces Free Online Citizen Data Scientist Course Available to All

Smarten is pleased to announce the launch of its FREE online Citizen Data Scientist course. This self-paced, online Citizen Data Scientist course can help businesses make the most of the Citizen Data Scientist experience by providing foundational training for business users who are Citizen Data Scientist candidate. It is also suitable for those that wish to find out more about the Citizen Data Scientist approach to Data Literacy and fact-based decision-making. It provides an individual study environment that includes video, slides, lectures and supporting documentation for further study and reference.


Smarten CEO, Kartik Patel says, ‘This comprehensive, free online course is designed to support businesses and individuals who wish to pursue, or are interested in finding out more about, the Citizen Data Scientist journey. The Smarten advanced analytics product suite was specifically designed to support business users and those with average technology skills and offers sophisticated analytics tools in an intuitive, easy-to-use environment and this self-paced course material is a natural extension of the self-serve Smarten Augmented Analytics approach.’

This Free Citizen Data Scientist Course describes the Citizen Data Scientist role, and its benefits to team members and the organization, including improved data literacy, support for user adoption of augmented analytics tools, and an understanding of the basic algorithms and analytical techniques used in the process. There are no prerequisites for this course. It is intended for business and technology users and team members within the business environment.

“By the end of this course, participants will understand the role and value of Citizen Data Scientists and the benefits to the organization, as well as the integration points and cultural shifts that will position analytical professionals and Citizen Data Scientists to work more productively,” Patel says. “ Participants will gain a basic understanding of applicable analytical techniques, including predictive analytics, how to apply these techniques to real world business use cases and the augmented analytics tools they can use to make fact-based decisions and move the organization forward. We believe this course can play a valuable role in moving an enterprise and its users toward a more data literate environment.”

By providing this course as a free online offering Smarten hopes to further support and encourage users and businesses to embrace the very real benefits of the Citizen Data Scientist approach to analytics and objective, data-driven metrics and results.

Begin the Citizen Data Scientist Journey now, or contact the Smarten team for more information on Smarten Augmented Analytics solution.

About Smarten

The Smarten approach to business intelligence and business analytics focuses on the business user and provides Advanced Data Discovery so users can perform early prototyping and test hypotheses without the skills of a data scientist. Smarten Augmented Analytics tools include Assisted Predictive ModelingSmart Data VisualizationSelf-Serve Data PreparationSentiment Analysis, and Clickless Analytics with natural language processing (NLP) for search analytics. All of these tools are designed for business users with average skills and require no special skills or knowledge of statistical analysis or support from IT or data scientists. Smarten is listed in multiple Gartner Reports including Gartner Data Preparation Report, the Market Guide for Enterprise-Reporting-Based Platforms and the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms Report for the ElegantJ BI Business Intelligence Suite.

Original Post : Smarten Announces Free Online Citizen Data Scientist Course Available to All!

What is Key Influencer Analytics? Do I Need it?

Key Influencer Analytics: What Is It and Why is It Important?

No matter the size of your business or in what industry your market is involved, the concept of analytics is more important today than ever before. Businesses competing locally or on a global scale are all engaged in market competition and, in order to grow and succeed, every business must understand its competitors, its own products and services, and most importantly, its customers and what products they are buying. Businesses must build and monitor and manage processes and activities, all with the goal of being the most productive and responsive in the market

Include Clickless Analytics in Your Data Democratization Project!

How Can Clickless Analytics Help My Business Succeed in Data Democratization?

Gartner predicts that ‘… augmented analytics will be ubiquitous, but only 10% of users will use it to its full potential.’ One of the primary reasons that augmented analytics is not adopted and leveraged to its full capacity is that the business chooses a solution that is not easy enough for team members to adopt – one that is restrictive, inaccessible or requires sophisticated skills.