Mobile BI Tools for Citizen Data Scientists!

Mobile BI Tools Support Citizen Data Scientists and All Team Members With Access to Critical Data!

When a business takes on a Citizen Data Scientist initiative, it must provide the tools and techniques the business user will need to support the new role. Augmented Analytics is key – with features and tools that make it easy to integrate, find, analyze and share data across the enterprise.

Gartner has predicted that, ‘90% of corporate strategies will explicitly mention information as a critical enterprise asset and analytics as an essential competency.’

If your organization is doing it right, the Citizen Data Scientist initiative will incorporate support to change the culture, to update the employee evaluation process to encourage the use of analytics and fact-based decision-making, and other factors that influence user adoption and enable the business to move forward with a team alignment.

But one thing many businesses fail to consider is the need for these tools outside the walls of the office environment. If the global pandemic taught us anything is that many employees were forced to work at home or in settings outside the typical office facility. Today, many companies have embraced this concept on a long-term basis, allowing their employees to work from home, or in remote group locations. But even if your business is situated in one more office buildings or store fronts, the chances are good that your team members spend a certain amount of time working outside the office, after hours, on weekends, etc.

‘Mobile BI tools provide the support for your Citizen Data Scientists, data scientists, business analysts, team members, executives, and managers so that every business user can access and analyze data, share, and collaborate.’

Teams today are asked to do more with less and, as work hours expand, and the expectations of businesses change, the team must adapt. Managers, executives, IT teams and others find themselves in situations where they must check the status of a project, approve a purchase or resource acquisition, communicate with a team and assess the need to make changes – the list goes on and on!

Mobile BI Supports Citizen Data Scientists and Data Literacy

Mobile BI tools provide the support for your Citizen Data Scientists, data scientists, business analysts, team members, executives, and managers so that every business user can access and analyze data, share, and collaborate and make decisions on the fly, in a staff meeting, in an airport or hotel, or at home.

To ensure that you choose the right tools for your Citizen Data Scientists, look for a Mobile Business Intelligence solution that offers the following features and functionality:

  • Native app, with seamless user interface for a great user experience (Ux). Available for iOS and Android
  • Extends the office environment. Allows swift analysis and decisions from anywhere
  • Encourages user adoption and provides support for BI investments and data democratization
  • Access rights are defined on the server so security and privacy is ensured at all levels
  • Hosted anywhere within IT infrastructure – on premises, public or private cloud
  • Business Users have access to dashboards, reports, Clickless Analytics – Google-type Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search functionality
  • Start-up is easy, within a few minutes and support is readily available

‘One thing many businesses fail to consider is the need for BI tools outside the walls of the office environment.’

If you want to support your Citizen Data Scientists and every member of your business user team, explore Smarten Mobile Augmented Analytics And Mobile BI. Add powerful functionality and access for your business users with out-of-the-box Mobile BI and advanced analytics for every team member. For more information on Mobile BI and Augmented Analytics, read our article, ‘Understanding The Truth About Mobile BI.’

Original Post : Mobile BI Supports Citizen Data Scientists and Data Literacy!

Case Study : Smarten Analytics Case Study – Implementation for Largest Global Air Cooler Company in India

Smarten Augmented Analytics Case Study- Implementation for Largest Global Air Cooler Company in India

The Client is the largest global manufacturer of Air Coolers. The Client is an India-based Multi-National Company with a presence in over sixty (60) countries. As the market leader, this enterprise enjoys a prime position in the residential, industrial and commercial market segments and its brand is considered synonymous with cooling products in the global market. The Client is a market disrupter in what is a diverse and poorly organized sector and it has set the market benchmark with 201 trademarks, 64 registered designs, 15 copyrights and 48 patents, thereby setting the gold standard for air cooling in the global market.

Embedded BI and Augmented Analytics Support ISV Partner Clients!

How Can Embedded BI Help ISV Partners Improve Revenue and Market Visibility?!

Recent research reveals that 67% of companies surveyed say time spent in their applications increased after they embedded analytics. Why do you suppose that is?

Smarten Augmented Analytics Launches PMML Integration Capability!

Smarten has announced the launch of Predictive Model Mark-Up Language (PMML) Integration capability for its Smarten Augmented Analytics suite of products. PMML Integration capability allows data scientists and business users to create PMML Models in other platforms and use those models within the Smarten suite of products without the need for coding.

Smarten CEO, Kartik Patel says, ‘The addition of PMML integration capability enables faster roll-out and allows users to leverage the Smarten workflow for PMML predictive models, adding more flexibility and power to the Smarten suite of augmented analytics tools.’

With Smarten PMML Integration organizations can simplify, streamline, and integrate the analytical process, for swift, clear predictive analytics in a user-friendly environment designed for every business user.

Smarten Augmented Analytics Launches PMML Integration Capability

Smarten PMML Integration enables users to use models created in other familiar platforms like Python, R, Java, KNIME and other platforms, and integrate those models into the Smarten workflow within minutes, without complex coding, scripting, or programming.

‘Smarten PMML Integration enables a seamless process, designed for business users,’ says Patel. ‘Users can import PMML models and enjoy full integration and the full power of the Smarten feature set.’

The ready-to-use Smarten workflow guides the user from validation of the model to roll-out in the production environment. Smarten PMML integration provides simple language interpretation of models and enables predictions using single and multiple test records with user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) or Web services API.

Simply create the predictive model, using your favorite platform, export the model as a PMML file and import that model to Smarten. Models are interpreted in English and model details are logically organized. Enjoy the Smarten feature set and seamless workflow to perform predictive analytics with support of REST-API for third-party apps for prediction.

Contact the Smarten team to find out how Smarten PMML Integration can support your business needs and your business users with simple features and tools that are suitable for every team member.

About Smarten

The Smarten approach to business intelligence and business analytics focuses on the business user and provides Advanced Data Discovery so users can perform early prototyping and test hypotheses without the skills of a data scientist. Smarten Augmented Analytics tools include Assisted Predictive ModelingSmart Data VisualizationSelf-Serve Data PreparationSentiment Analysis, and Clickless Analytics with natural language processing (NLP) for search analytics. All of these tools are designed for business users with average skills and require no special skills or knowledge of statistical analysis or support from IT or data scientists. Smarten is listed in multiple Gartner Reports including Gartner Data Preparation Report, the Market Guide for Enterprise-Reporting-Based Platforms and the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms Report for the ElegantJ BI Business Intelligence Suite.

Original Post : Smarten Augmented Analytics Launches PMML Integration Capability!

Case Study : Augmented Analytics for a Share Broking & Securities Trading Company in India

Augmented Analytics for a leading Pharmaceuticals Company in Gujarat, India

The client is a leading financial securities firm that offers online digital contacts, transparent trading practices and extends personalized customer service and support. Their services include brokerage, investment advisory, financial services and portfolio management in stock markets, debt markets as well as derivatives markets. The company is a respected corporate member of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India.

Case Study : Augmented Analytics for a leading Pharmaceuticals Company in Gujarat, India

Augmented Analytics for a leading Pharmaceuticals Company in Gujarat, India

The client is a leading publicly listed Pharmaceuticals Company with a large shareholder base. The company manufactures all major dosage forms such as Tablets, Capsules, Injectables, Syrups, Ointments, etc.

Case Study : Augmented Analytics for a leading Construction & Infrastructure Development Company in India

Augmented Analytics for a leading Construction & Infrastructure Development Company in India

Founded in 1982 as a construction company, client has successfully positioned itself amongst the top 10 construction & infrastructure management companies in India. Client has to its credit many prestigious projects in the Industrial, Power, Institutional & Infrastructure sectors across India.