Self-Serve Data Prep & Plug n’ Play Predictive Analysis

Self-Serve Data Prep & Plug n' Play Predictive AnalysisNearly every organization has BI tools, but not every organization takes the Smarten approach to business intelligence. The components of the Smarten approach include self-serve data preparation and Plug n’ Play Predictive Analysis, both of which (when combined with Smart Visualization and Advanced Data Discovery tools) provide a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, solution that supports business users and data scientists alike.


Smarten Advanced Data Discovery is All the Buzz!

Self-Serve-Data-Preparation (1)If you are frustrated with BI tools, and looking for self-service Advanced Analytics to achieve your goals and empower users, you should understand the difference between traditional BI tools and the Smarten Advanced Data Discovery approach. The Smarten Advanced Data Discovery gives users the freedom to leverage data beyond simple visual data analysis and dashboards.


White Paper: Citizen Data Scientists Engender Business Success

White Paper: Citizen Data Scientists Engender Business Success

In this white paper, we will discuss the emergence and importance of Citizen Data Scientists and the role of self-serve data preparation, smart data visualization and plug n’ play predictive analysis in transforming business users into Citizen Data Scientists. The wise organization must establish a data environment that integrates data from disparate sources, and presents sophisticated, yet easy-to-use tools that will lead business users in the right direction with tools that offer recommended report presentations and visualization formats and clearly identify trends and patterns to mitigate bad data assumptions and interpretations.
