Is Plug & Play Predictive Analytics Good for Business Users?

Plug n' Play Predictive Analytics Helps Business Users

Can Plug & Play Predictive Analytics Help Business Users Function Effectively?

Plug & Play Predictive Analytics is not an exotic process that is limited to data scientists or IT staff. Plug & play predictive analysis is so named because it really is a plug and play process. This type of predictive analytics tool is designed to be accessible and usable by business users.


Data Visualization Software for Business Users

Self-Serve Data Visualization Guides Business Users to the Best View

Smart Data Visualization Takes the Guesswork Out of Analytics!

Smart data visualization tools should include augmented data discovery with features that guide and show business users how to get the most out of data and how to display that data in a way that will make decision-making and analysis as easy as drag and drop. Data visualization does not have to be complicated, nor does it require software or features that take months to learn and master.


Advanced Analytics that is Easy Enough for All Business Users

Data Discovery Software that Will Guide Users at Every Step!

Augmented Analytics and Advanced Data Discovery for Business Users!

Augmented analytics can help your business users to find and understand critical data and to do their jobs more effectively. Without the knowledge of a data scientist or an IT professional, business users can perform advanced analytics, using features that guide and make recommendations at every step so that data is prepared, viewed and analyzed in a way that ensures clarity and a comprehensive understanding of trends, patterns, and data sensitivity and success thresholds.


Advanced Data Discovery for Every Skill and User

Augmented Data Discovery Helps Business Users Achieve Results

Augmented Analytics is the Key to User-Friendly Business Intelligence!

Augmented Analytics and augmented data discovery is a form of advanced data discovery that automates data insight using machine learning and natural language generation. It automates data preparation and makes it easy for business users to enjoy data sharing.


Plug n’ Play Predictive Analytics for Your Business

Assistive Predictive Modeling for Every Business User

How Can Assistive Predictive Modeling Help My Business Users?

Assistive Predictive Modeling allows business users to leverage a self-serve advanced analytical tool and to enjoy complex, sophisticated forecasting and business predictions in a simple, user-friendly dashboard environment – all without the skills of an analyst, data scientist or IT professional.


What is So Important About Augmented Data Discovery?

Are Augmented Data Discovery Tools Important for My Business?

Can Augmented Data Discovery Make a Difference in My Organization?

There are so many new terms in the business intelligence and advanced analytics domain. So, what is augmented data discovery, and why is it important for your enterprise? Augmented Data Discovery (aka Smart Data Discovery), takes the enterprise beyond data monitoring and helps users discover the more subtle yet crucial factors that affect business success. It identifies hidden issues and patterns within the data so the organization can address challenges, capitalize on competitive and market advantages and plan for the future with more confidence. There are a couple of components to the augmented data discovery continuum.


Self-Serve Data Preparation for Business Users

Augmented Data Preparation Saves Time and Produces Results

Is Self-Serve Data Preparation Really Possible?

Your business users are ready to do the job! They have a lot of data spread across the enterprise in various data repositories and forms and they want to pull it all together and analyze the data to get the answers to the questions you ask them every day. But, preparing that data is not easy.


Predictive Analytics for Business Users!

Plug n' Play Predictive Analysis is Good for All!

Can Business Users Adopt Assisted Predictive Modeling?

Assisted predictive modeling is no longer the sole domain of data scientists and IT staff. With the right predictive analytics tools, your business users can accurately plan and forecast results and share data to build a dependable picture of the future for your organization, and for each team, division and individual.


Augmented Data Discovery for Business Users

Augmented Analytics is Easy Enough for Business Users

Is Augmented Analytics Too Complex for Business Users?

The concept of Augmented Analytics may sound complicated (and it may, in fact, be a challenge for a software vendor to accomplish), but the new augmented data discovery tools are quite easy to use. Unlike the data discovery tools of old, business users do not need to look to the IT staff or data scientists to perform advanced data discovery.


Assisted Predictive Modeling and Analytics for Everyone

Predictive Analytics for All

Need Analytics for Business Users AND Data Scientists? No Problem!

Does your business intelligence solution provide true advanced analytics capabilities? Can your BI tool satisfy the needs of business users, data scientists and IT staff? That may seem like a tall order but with the right business intelligence software, you can provide predictive analytics for business users, including assisted predictive modeling that walks users through the analytical process and allows them to achieve the best results without a sophisticated knowledge of data analytical techniques.
