Self-Serve Data Preparation: Help Yourself!

self-serve1The Self-Serve Data Preparation trend is growing by leaps and bounds. Why? Well, there are a lot of reasons to like Self-Serve Data Preparation and Self-Serve Business Intelligence solutions. Here are just a few:

  • Empowering Business Users
  • Making the Best Use of Resources
  • Using Existing Knowledge and Skill to identify Trends and Patterns
  • Bring agility in the decision making process
  • Reducing time to analyze data by empowering business users do data prep on their own
  • Leveraging BI Tools to Gain Competitive Advantage, Improve ROI and TCO


Data Preparation and Analysis Don’t Have to be Painful!

Do-not-Create-Data-Governance-Tug-of-War-between-Financial-Pros-and-IT-StaffConsider the time and effort involved in the ‘old world’ of business intelligence data preparation! How on earth did we ever get anything done? Armies of data analysts and IT staff slaving over data, compiling, analyzing, graphing, charting, taking requests from managers and users and engaging in an endless exchange and interaction to assure that the requirements are understood and met. By the time the data analysis was delivered, it was old, sometimes incomplete and perhaps delivered in a form that might be misinterpreted by its audience.


Social Business Intelligence: The Next Big Thing!

Social Business IntelligenceSocial networks and social media are ubiquitous! Every aspect of modern life (personal and business) involves sharing and social interaction, whether one is broadcasting information about a recent family event, posting a picture, asking opinions at work or promoting a new product or event.In the old days, team members and employees shared and discussed information at the water cooler or in the cafeteria.


Social Networking and Business Intelligence. YES! It is Important!

Let’s talk about the application of social media and social networking within the Business Intelligence environment. This might seem like an odd concept but give it some thought. Every consumer and business user is now used to the idea that they can share, rate, discuss and learn from others. This idea has become an expectation and it could and should apply to Business Intelligence and to your business users as well!


Guarantee BI Success: Achieve! Accomplish! Do it Right!

Guarantee BI Success: Achieve! Accomplish! Do it Right!

In our first article in the two-article series, entitled ‘Guarantee BI Success: Why Self-Serve BI Initiatives Fail, we talked about the various factors that can dictate the success or failure of a self-serve business intelligence solution implementation. Factors like poor User Adoption, Data Access, Features and Benefits, Self-Serve Analytical Capability, Data Sharing and Reporting, Cost vs. Benefit, and Data Discovery issues must be considered in order to ensure the success of your self-serve business intelligence initiative.

Guarantee BI Success: Why Self-Serve BI Initiatives Fail


Many organizations have invested time and effort in launching a self-serve business intelligence initiative, only to find that the initiative has failed to deliver the anticipated results. When this happens, organizations often struggle to understand why and how things went wrong. There are numerous reasons for a self-serve BI tool initiative to fail or to fall short of expectations. In this article, we will discuss some of the factors that affect the success of business intelligence solution implementation. This article is the first in a two article series, entitled ‘Guarantee Business Intelligence Success’, related to the success and failure of self-serve BI Initiatives.

Look, But Don’t Touch! The Gap Between Data Visualization & Data Discovery!


At some point in your life, you have probably been told to ‘look, but don’t touch.’ When it comes to business intelligence, the flaw in the logic of solution design often subjects business users to this same philosophy. With most BI tools (even those we call ‘self-serve’), we limit the users to looking but we don’t allow them to touch and manipulate the data for deep dive analysis.

Feed Your Organization: Avoid Packaged BI. Choose ‘Fresh’ BI Tools!


In a way, choosing a business Intelligence tools is like choosing the right food. In recent years, we have all become more aware of the difference between packaged foods and fresh foods. Today, businesses are becoming more aware of the differences between ‘packaged’ BI tools and self-serve BI tools that provide ‘fresh’ views and data analysis.

A Summary of the Myths and Confusion in Business Intelligence



Debunking Common Business Intelligence Myths

A Summary of the Myths and Confusion in the Business Intelligence Market

This article series is entitled ‘Debunking Common Business Intelligence Myths’. The information presented in this, the seventh article of the series, summarizes the myths and cuts through the confusion to help you choose the right BI tool for your business and business users.


You Need Data Scientists for Predictive Analysis– Myth#6


Debunking Common Business Intelligence Myths
Myth #6: You Need Data Scientists to Employ Predictive Analysis in Your Organization

Every enterprise, large or small, must have access to sophisticated, easy-to-use business intelligence tools in order to compete in local, regional and global markets. When organizations undertake the process of researching and selecting a business intelligence tool they find that the market is crowded with all manner of tools and that the claims and myths surrounding the BI tools market can make it very difficult to sort through the confusion and select a business intelligence solution that is right for business users and for the enterprise.
