Can Data Discovery Improve My Business Users’ Performance?

Is Augmented Data Discovery Easy Enough for My Business Users?

A data discovery tool is a crucial tool for every business user in your organization. With so many sources of data, in so many locations with your enterprise, it is impossible for users to know whether they have access to complete, accurate data to make decisions.



With the right Advanced Analytics Tools, business users can have access to data integrated from disparate data sources and can use that date for Advanced Data Discovery so they can gain insight into problems and opportunities, share information with other users and be more productive, empowered and accountable. So, what is advanced analytics and should you consider this type of solution for your business users?

Advanced Analytics comprises the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns in data; and considers and applies patterns and trends to achieve clear, fact-based decision-making. To put it another way, advanced analytics connects information to decisions and strategies and allows the organization to set objectives and goals that are practical and attainable given the competitive and market landscape. While businesses had looked to IT and data scientists to find and analyze and interpret data in the past, the business market is moving too fast today to wait for this information and the truth is that business users need this data and insight to do their jobs just as much (if not more) than senior managers.

Augmented Analytics provides guidance and recommendations so users can visualize data in a way that makes sense for the type of data they want to analyze and it offers auto-suggestions to enable forecasting and predictive analytics methodology that is right for the data the user is considering.

Contact Us today to find out more about how Augmented Data Discovery can help your business to succeed.

Original Post: Can Data Discovery Improve My Business Users’ Performance?