What is a dotCMS? Some people may find dotCMS to be a strange business name but it is appropriate for the solution. dotCMS is also one of the fastest growing open source enterprise Content Management Systems (CMS) in the world. The communication platform allows clients to manage an open source portal, company website or intranet application without the technical knowledge of a software programmer and that saves money and time and empowers team members. Comprehensive dotCMS development includes the best features of enterprise CMS, eCommerce, and CRM tools to support communication with customers, clients and prospects.

You can use dotCMS for document management, and information portals and the Accelerator Starter toolkit supports industry specific applications. Whether you want to use dotCMS for blogs, forums, workflow management, event management, mailing list, campaign or communication management or other needs, my best advice would be to find yourself an expert in dotCMS development. I know I just said that you can use this open source solution to meet your needs without software programmers, but working with dotCMS experts to build the foundation is a worthy investment of time and effort. Once you have the foundation, with cross-platform integration and enterprise wide, secured access your team can leverage and use CMS without technical knowledge or programming skills. You can expand your market share and improve your corporate visibility and who doesn’t want that?


So, get in gear and find yourself an expert in dotCMS Development. And the next time someone asks you what dotCMS is, you can smile knowingly and point them in the right direction!