Case Study: Complete ERP Solution for Gujarat State Forest Department Corporation Ltd.

Complete ERP Solution for Gujarat State Forest Department Corporation Ltd.

The Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Limited (GSFDC) in India is affiliated with the National Agriculture Commission (NAC) and works to eliminate the private trade used by forest dwellers in India to derive profit from the collection of Minor Forest Produce and to protect the economic interest of tribal cultures and other constituents.


Case Study: Complete ERP Solution for Gujarat State Forest Department Corporation Ltd.

The Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Limited (GSFDC) in India is affiliated with the National Agriculture Commission (NAC) and works to eliminate the private trade used by forest dwellers in India to derive profit from the collection of Minor Forest Produce and to protect the economic interest of tribal cultures and other constituents.

The Client engaged Elegant MicroWeb to automate the complete process of procurement, manufacturing, selling, inventory management and distribution of goods within different units of the corporation, generate and track bills, receipts and invoices automatically through a system, and easily report on the information in the system. The resulting solution provides an ERP framework with a centralized view of all core activities and units and an advanced reporting system that is easy enough for all users to adopt. The solution includes features and functionality to address the various tasks and activities involved in the Client core business, including its Minor Forest Produce (MFP), Dhanvantari, Vanil Udyog, Plantation Project and Charcoal Activities and units to monitor, manage, plan and improve performance, and to support the technical, ethical and community goals and objectives across all locations and functions of the Client business.

Dynamic Business Intelligence for All!

BI Tools and Business Intelligence Services!

Flexible, Dynamic Business Intelligence Reporting and Analysis!

Business intelligence is not a dry, robotic reporting mechanism. Rather, it is (or should be) a source that is based on enterprise wide data, integrated to help users see results, find the source of a problem and delve into opportunities that offer business potential.


Affordable, Simple Predictive Analytics Software!

Assisted Predictive Modeling Makes Forecasting Easy!

Predictive Analytics Can Be Accurate and Easy!

Predictive analytics is more refined, more dependable and more comprehensive than ever. The foundation for predictive analysis is a great predictive analytics tool, and features and function that include assisted predictive modeling.


ERP and Custom Software By The Experts!

Custom and ERP Software Does Not Have To Be Difficult!

Do You Have an ERP or Custom App in Mind? Get the Right Help!

If your business has a vision to create a custom ERP application for internal use, or a software product in the ERP arena, you are not likely to have the resources or skills to initiate, plan, design, develop, and execute the project or to maintain that solution or migrate data, upgrade or otherwise manage the ERP app or software product.


BI Tools that are Easy to Use and Affordable!

Flexible Licensing for Business Intelligence Initiatives!

Successful Adoption of BI Tools Requires Affordable Licensing and Simple Tools!

So, you have finally implemented a business intelligence solution. Maybe you just finished the deployment or maybe the BI tools have been in place for a while. If you are not getting what you want out of the implementation, it could very well be because your roll out is not expansive enough.


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How Can I Migrate to the Cloud?

If you want to see through the fuzzy world of Cloud services and get a clear view of the potential of cloud solutions and services, you will probably want to consider engaging an expert. Whether you are looking to achieve Cloud Migration or build a comprehensive set of cloud solutions, you will need to ascertain whether your own team has the skills and knowledge to accomplish these tasks and the time to take on a long-term transition to accomplish these tasks.


Gartner Predicts Growth of Augmented Analytics!

Improve the Value of Business Analysis Across the Enterprise!

Augmented Analytics Tools Designed to Support the Future!

As one of its Strategic Assumptions, Gartner predicted that ‘By 2020, more than 40% of data science tasks will be automated, resulting in increased productivity and broader usage by citizen data scientists.’ Gartner also predicts that the number of Citizen Data Scientists will grow five times faster than the number of expert data scientists through 2020, and that by 2019 the amount of advanced analytics produced by citizen data scientists will surpass that produced by data scientists.


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KPI Analytics Allow You to Stay on Track!

Key Performance Indicators Ensure Measurable Results!

What’s that old carpenter’s saying? ‘Measure twice. Cut once.’ When it comes to measuring and metrics in business, you only want to ‘cut once’. In other words, you don’t want to make a mistake or misstep that will put you in legal risk or damage your business reputation, or take you off course and cost time and money.
