Predictive Analytics for Every Skill and Use!

Assisted Predictive Modeling That is Suitable for All Users!

Your Business Users Will LOVE Predictive Analytics Tools!

Predictive Analytics used to involve a crystal ball but, today, there are other options and they are more widely accepted in the business community! With the right predictive analytics tool, your business can hypothesize, test theories, discover the effects of a possible price increase, discover and address changing buying behavior and develop appropriate competitive strategies.


Can Tally Provide Support for My SME Business?

Is Tally the Right Accounting Solution for My Business?

Is Tally a Good Solution for Small and Medium Sized Companies?

Tally is on on-premises accounting solution (aka a desktop software application) that is very popular among small and medium sized businesses and it offers numerous features and robust functionality.


Does My Business Need Help to Build a Mobile App?

A Mobile App Can Change Your Business. Be Prepared!

So You Want to Build a Mobile App? Have You Considered All the Success Factors?

Moving to a mobile app is not just a matter of making sure that information can be accessed on a smart phone. When your company decides to build a mobile app, it must acknowledge that launching this app will be a game changer!


Integrated R Script and BI Tools Is Here!

Can I Get Great Self-Serve BI Tools WITH R Integration?

Is There a BI Tool that Integrates R Script?

‘R’ is not just a letter in the alphabet! R is a programming language, offered in a free software environment that supports analysts, IT and data scientists in doing tasks that require statistical computing. The R language is very popular and is used in many organizations around the world to support statistical analysis and data mining. When a business implements a business intelligence solution, IT staff, data analysts and data scientists are often put into a quandary. The enterprise is actively using and benefiting from R but the BI tool the business selected forces them to choose between tools to get the job done.


Smart Data Visualization Gets it Done!

Want Smarter Users? Get Smart Data Visualization!

Smart Data Visualization Makes Your Users Smarter!

What on earth is smart data visualization? Is it a computer that actually ‘sees’ data for you and does the analysis? Not quite. Sorry to say that even with advanced analytics that provides smart data visualization, you will have to do SOME work, but fortunately, you will not have to guess!


What is Predictive Analytics and Can it Help You Achieve Business Objectives?

What is Predictive Analytics and Can it Help You Achieve Business Objectives?

The process of predictive analytics has come far in the past decade. No longer is this process the sole responsibility of data scientists or IT staff. Today’s self-serve predictive analytics and forecasting tools are designed to support business users and data analysts alike.


Gartner ‘Other Vendors to Consider for Modern Analytics and BI’, October, 2018 Includes Elegant MicroWeb (Smarten) in Category; Other Modern: Asia-Focused

Gartner 'Other Vendors to Consider for Modern Analytics and BI', October, 2018 Includes Elegant MicroWeb (Smarten) in Category; Other Modern: Asia-Focused

ElegantJ BI, an innovative vendor with its Smarten approach to Augmented Analytics and Self-Serve Data Preparation, is pleased to announce that Elegant MicroWeb (Smarten) is included as one of the Other Modern: Asia-Focused Vendors in the Gartner ‘Other Vendors to Consider for Modern Analytics and BI’ Report published on October 29, 2018.


White Paper – Paving the Road to Success: From Spreadsheets to Advanced Analytics

White Paper - Paving the Road to Success: From Spreadsheets to Advanced Analytics

The ‘culture’ of an organization includes habits and processes that are familiar and comfortable. There are many aspects to the success of a culture change within a business organization. When an enterprise decides to move from the silo spreadsheet culture to Advanced Analytics it can go beyond simple spreadsheet analysis and BI reporting with a comprehensive analytical environment that identifies business opportunities, and provides metrics and measurements, predictive modeling and forecasting, and self-serve data preparation tools for business users. By understanding how and why team members employ spreadsheets, the enterprise can develop a strategy to move to a fact-based, secured environment with tools that users will want to adopt.


Can I Leverage Big Data and Cloud Solutions in My Business?

Big Data Development and Cloud Solutions and Services

How Can My Business Tackle Big Data and Cloud Solutions?

Twenty years ago, terms like Big Data Solutions and Cloud Migration were alien terms. But, today, every enterprise is knee deep in Big Data and Cloud Development and, if they are not, they are way behind the times and at risk of losing their competitive edge.


Is BI for Tally a Reality?

Can I Find Analytics for Tally?

Is There Business Intelligence for Tally?

There are lots of Tally users out there, and users are familiar with the solution and find it very valuable. It is great to leverage the power of ad-hoc data mining and visualization and your users are probably dependent on this solution. But, if your organization is like every other business, your reporting and data analytical needs are never-ending, and data-driven, fact-driven analysis and decision-making is an imperative.
