The Right Offshore Software Development Services!

Offshore Software Development Can Work For You!

Don’t Give Up on Offshore Software Development. Get the Right Partner!

Offshore software development services are not limited to one-time projects. If your organization needs some skilled resources, and you need them NOW, you should definitely consider offshore software development solutions. But, don’t limit yourself to that emergency, short-term project. The right offshore software development company can function as a long-term partner, providing skills, knowledge and services your team may need without hiring full-time resources.


Analytics for Retail Can Make You Competitive!

Business Intelligence for Retail Makes Business Sing!

BI for Retail! No, Really! It is designed for Retail!

Business Intelligence for Retail is just what your organization needs to succeed! If you can get at the information, integrate the data coming in from all sources, and clarify and analyze, you can beat the competition! And we all know how competitive retail is these days! Whether you are running an online retail outlet or a brick and mortar store or chain, you need to analyze all kinds of data from resource planning, seasonality, products, sizes, colors, pricing and advertising to warehousing, shipping, social media and online shopping carts and eCommerce results, there is a lot to understand and monitor in retail!


Predictive Analysis is Easy for Every User

Predictive Analytics Software for Every Business User

Plug Your Users In For Crucial Decisions with Plug n’ Play Predictive Analytics!

What did we do about planning and forecasting in the past? Well, a lot of what we did was based on guesswork. We might look at historical data and plan for growth that was unrealistic because it did not reflect the competitive market growth or the advent of online competition.


Do Citizen Data Scientists Mark the Death of Data Scientists?

Do Citizen Data Scientists Mark the Death of Data Scientists?

To be successful in business, every organization must find a way to accurately forecast and predict the future of its market, and its internal operations, and better understand the buying behavior of its customers and prospects. With the democratization of business intelligence and the advent of self-serve business intelligence tools, organizations hope to encourage and create Citizen Data Scientists and enable the average business user to leverage sophisticated predictive algorithms and BI tools without the expertise and skill of a trained data scientist. This approach allows users who are not statisticians, data scientists, programmers or analysts to leverage self-service tools to confidently make business decisions, share data, and reports and present data in a way that allows the organization to identify trends, patterns, opportunities and challenges.


Data Security is No Laughing Matter!

IT Security Standards: Serious Business!

Safe, Secure Data for Your Organization.

Whether your business is global, regional or local, your business strategy must include a security component and comply with relevant standards, including industry standard information security, web application security, data security, security penetration testing, application security standards and interface standards. Some businesses must also enforce legal compliance standards or comply with government and industry regulations like HIPPA and Sarbanes-Oxley and depending on your industry and country, there may be specific, uniform standards like India’s GIGW and CERTIN.


Give Users Fresh, NOT Packaged Data!

Fresh vs. Packaged Data? No Contest

Fresh Business Intelligence Data is Key to Confident Decisions.

Here’s what I know about Business Intelligence: Old or incomplete information does not constitute intelligence – what it does is to result in decisions that are sometimes wrong and nearly always misleading. When we provide a business intelligence tool that ties the hands of business users; when we give business users tools and dashboards that are designed by IT or analysts and assume comprehensive knowledge of user needs, we give our business users the wrong kind of tools!


Predictive Analysis for Rasiklal!

Predictive Analysis for Rasiklal!

The simplest, easiest and spreadsheetble (I just invented this word) information which can be used for predictive and forecasting is defined data over a period. For example, date or time driven patterns which keep repeating till the cows come home. We will not discuss this here and hope you are relieved of some scepticism about this article at this stage.


Elegant MicroWeb Team Builds Dynamic Digital Content Library for Gujarat Tourism

Elegant MicroWeb Team Builds Dynamic Digital Content Library for Gujarat Tourism

Elegant MicroWeb, a trusted partner for quality software delivery, built and implemented a centralized digital library portal for the Tourism Department of the State of Gujarat in India to categorize and search content and share the digital content with internal and external stakeholders. Content includes images, videos, sound files and more.


Quality is Important! Agility is Necessity!

Agility vs. Quality: A Tightrope Act of Analytics

Agility and Quality: A Vital Balancing Act!

This might be a strange comparison but let me make it anyway! Think of data agility and data quality like a tight rope act. The tightrope walker is thinking about getting to the other side without falling. The audience wants to see grace and beauty during the process. They want to see a QUALITY act. In the case of the tightrope walker and the audience, they sometimes have very different goals.


ETL and DWH Doesn’t Have to be Scary!

Making Sense of ETL and DWH and Your Data

ETL and DWH. Don’t Let This Technology Scare You!

ETL, DWH…you have to be a technical wizard to understand and leverage these tools. Or do you? ETL (or extraction, transformation and loading) and DWH (data warehousing) CAN seem daunting. How does one get data from disparate data sources to integrate and work together to get a clear picture of data and use it for analysis?
