Economic Times has reported how Astral Pipes has unclogged their decision making with ElegantJ BI tool for business data analysis


Astral pipes opted for ElegantJ BI over big BI vendors like SAP, Salesforce and IBM for its ease of use and self-serve features. Biren Parikh – AGM IT said it not only generates visually pleasing reports from scattered data sources but also provides insights on how their distributors, sales and marketing staffs are operating and executing their sales.

Original Source – Economic Times has reported how Astral Pipes has unclogged their decision making with ElegantJ BI tool for business data analysis


Elegant MicroWeb Joins BigCommerce Partner Program to Add Value for Online Retailers


Elegant MicroWeb Joins BigCommerce Partner Program Providing Customization, Technical Support and Software Integration for Online Retailers

Elegant MicroWeb today announced it has joined the BigCommerce Partner Program to provide:

  • Theme design and integration
  • Store redesign, including responsive design
  • Store setup, application development
  • Technical support
  • Shopping cart customization
  • Product catalog
  • Import and related management
  • Integration with social media
  • BigCommerce integration with ERP
  • Tax calculation systems
  • Fulfillment systems
  • Credit verification systems and more.


Small Business App Ideas That Can Make Your Business More Profitable

Crm Concept Illustration

Small businesses need to leverage every possible opportunity to drive revenue and minimize costs. Therefore, it makes sense to utilize apps that enhance the profitability for your company.

Here are several cloud and mobile small business app ideas that might help you drive more profit!


White Paper – Achieve a Complete Business Picture with Business Intelligence Dashboards


Your business users can be experts at BI! Your business landscape is changing faster than ever before and every employee needs to see a meaningful view of the business with personalized dashboards and alerts and mobile, self-serve BI that allows them to see results, opportunities, problems, trends and patterns from their perspective.


ElegantJ BI is Silver Sponsor at Gartner Business Intelligence, Analytics & Information Management Summit: Mumbai India June 7-8


ElegantJ BI is pleased to be a Silver Sponsor at the Gartner Business Intelligence, Analytics and Information Management Summit, which will be held on June 7-8, 2016 in Mumbai, India. The theme of the conference is Information & Analytics Leadership: Empowering People with Trusted Data.

ElegantJ BI, is a respected business intelligence and corporate performance management solution provider with a suite of business intelligence and performance management tools. ElegantJ BI was listed as a representative vendor in the Gartner ‘Market Guide for Enterprise-Reporting-Based Platforms‘, published in February 2016. ElegantJ BI has created a clear roadmap toward ‘Smart Data Discovery’ that promotes self-serve data preparation, smart visualization, and Plug n’ Play predictive analytics, to put the power of BI tools in the hands of business users to transform them into citizen data scientists.


Case Study: Scottish Bond Broker Streamlines and Reengineers Security Trade Management System


A leading independent bond broker in Scotland asked Elegant MicroWeb to reengineer its desktop-based Security Trade Management System and streamline and integrate data flow with back office and sales data. The existing system required that users leverage different applications, and had separate interfaces for sales and office users, with numerous database redundancies and complexities. Elegant MicroWeb developed a solution to provide a homogeneous environment, for all users with appropriate security access, roles and privileges, and user access to six major modules through a single interface.


Offshore is AWESOME! Get Yourself a Secret Weapon


I recently met a colleague at a conference and we were talking about the importance of partnerships. I told my colleague that for a number of years, our business has leveraged offshore services and he seemed quite surprised. That conversation reminded me that many people are still under the impression that offshore partnerships are unwieldy, undependable and result in poor outcomes. Nothing could be further from the truth. The key to a successful offshore partnership is the same as the key to any relationship. You have to choose the right partner!


You Don’t Need KPIs or Balanced Scorecards to Manage Corporate Performance – Myth-4


It is easy to get confused by the plethora of business intelligence tools and claims in the BI tools market today! But, there is no reason to be discouraged. Your enterprise can cut through the confusion, debunk the BI market myths and make the right decision for the business and for your business users. Choose a tool that will truly empower your business users and allow you to hold users accountable for results and work as a team, with collaborative features and sophisticated, yet simple, self-serve, mobile tools for every user in your enterprise.


5 ways of ensuring successful partnership in IT Business


Once I was asked a question “are you happy or how is your married life?” fancy that…It is not that marriages are easy, the stress involved is merely about managing expectations. How you manage expectations is basically about how effective your communications work. Being a software company, with 15 years in to operations, good chunk of our business came from partners who are also in the same line of business. These are web agencies, media companies, technology driven businesses and they had partners or were working with companies before they came to work with us.
