Microsoft and Garbage Collection

Memory Modules.

The .NET developer doesn’t usually have to understand how the Microsoft “Garbage Collector” (GC) works to build an app, but occasionally a situation arises where understanding garbage collection in the context of app development is beneficial. Garbage collection in Microsoft’s .NET development framework is an automatic process that frees up memory that an application no longer needs.


Business Intelligence For Financial Services: BI Case Study


The client is a leading financial securities services firm, who is a respected corporate member of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India. The company offers online digital contacts, transparent trading practices and extends personalized customer service and support.


Case Study: Re-Engineering Business Software Development Improves Business Intelligence Software Ux and Scalability

ElegantJ BI, an innovative Business Intelligence product, needed to improve the user experience (Ux) and architecture. This Ux improvement was necessary to make the interface adaptable and responsive to the growing number of device screen resolutions and sizes. With the growing importance of data visualization and user interactivity in the business intelligence market, these changes were imperative to sustain and improve a competitive market advantage.

The Elegant MicroWeb product engineering and Ux team undertook this project to improve the usability and overall Ux for this product suite. Software re-engineering and migration provided upgraded product architecture, improved performance, interoperability, integration and support for large volumes of data with optimized middleware to improve scalability.

Case Study: Re-Engineering Improves Business Intelligence Software Ux and Scalability


Elegant MicroWeb undertook this project to improve the usability and overall Ux for ElegantJ BI, an innovative business intelligence product. This project included re-engineering and migration and upgraded product architecture, improved performance, interoperability, integration and support for large volumes of data with optimized middleware to improve scalability.


Welcome to the Data Buffet! Self-Serve BI Tools to Satisfy Every Appetite


What if you paid for a self-serve buffet but you were only allowed to eat the items someone else picked for you, or you could only go to certain self-serve stations, while others were off limits? You wouldn’t be happy! Especially if you had to pay full price for the experience!


Case Study: Testing Services for US Software Co for Online Ordering System Supporting 600 locations


Elegant MicroWeb worked with this U.S. software company serving the QSR market to analyze, test and release an online restaurant ordering system with payment gateways and other system integration. The system is used by QSRs in more than 600 locations with high concurrent usage. Elegant MicroWeb managed multiple upgrades and releases to deliver new features. More than two years of engagement with this client has resulted in sustained, trusted service delivery and assured a seamless user experience (Ux) and timely new releases.


Mobile BI for Business Users is Too Expensive – Myth#5

Mobile BI

Debunking Common Business Intelligence Myths
Myth #5: It is Expensive and Time-Consuming to Give Mobile BI to Business Users

There is no way to avoid the hype and claims swirling around the business intelligence market today. But, if your organization is trying to institute a self-serve BI initiative, choose a new BI tools solution or change from one BI solution to another, it must first debunk the myths surrounding the market and dispense with the market hype. Otherwise, the enterprise is not likely to achieve its goals, empower its business users or enjoy the rapid ROI and low TCO it requires. If you find it difficult to sort through the buzz and choose the right BI tools, don’t be discouraged. We can help!


There’s an App for That and App Dev Experts Can Help You Conceive and Create It!


“All people ever say is, ‘there’s an app for that’.” My friend, Toby shook his head sadly and looked at me with the kind of hopeless expression I associate with people who are afraid they will lose their jobs. But, Toby wasn’t in as much trouble as he thought. We talked about his upcoming project and he told me that his IT staff didn’t have the time or the skills to develop the business app his boss wanted. I told him not to worry.


ElegantJ BI Enhances Self-Serve BI Tools in Version 4.3 of Its Business Intelligence Solution


ElegantJ BI is pleased to announce the release of version 4.3 of the ElegantJ BI Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management (CPM) suite. The release of ElegantJ Bi v4.3 represents another step on the path to enhanced self-serve BI tools to support the transition of business users to true citizen data scientists.

The ElegantJ BI version 4.3 release includes major features and enhancements. Here are just some of the highlights of version 4.3 of the ElegantJ BI Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management suite.
