A business-to-business, wireless market research and intelligence business in Germany selected Elegant MicroWeb to create a community portal so users could find relevant information and businesses could promote markets, products, research, events, conferences, webinars and webcasts. The business wanted to create groups for information providers, professionals, analysts, and the press and media, as well as organizations and industry associations.
Elegant MicroWeb studied the business requirements, and performed feature mapping to evaluate the requirements against the available portal frameworks. The Liferay portal framework was selected and used to define templates and easy-to-navigate layouts. The solution provided appropriate scalability, architecture and security. The Elegant MicroWeb team designed and developed portlets for Category Management, Event and Webinar Management, News Management, Order Processing Management, Messaging Management, User Management and Report Management. The solution also included content submission wizards and premium subscription plans to allow for report, event, whitepaper, presentation and blog uploads.