No Droop in Drupal!


Sometimes, the meaning of a word changes when the spelling changes. ‘Be’ or ‘Bee’, for example. I’ll take some license and say that the word ‘droop’ is not associated with good things, while the word ‘Drupal’ means good stuff to technology folk!

Drupal is an open source web–based content management framework, distributed for General Public License. With Drupal you can organize and publish content on a web site for easy, timely content management. Drupal provides the functionality of a structured content management system, using a modular approach that enables unlimited customization.


Technology Delivery Models: A Potpourri of Options Creates the Perfect Solution!


Let’s talk delivery models! No, I’m not talking about attractive people who drop off packages at your place of business. I’m talking about Technology Delivery Models.

Your vendor offers a wide range of technology services, including development, support, service, consulting, quality processes, and excellent security standards! But, what about Delivery Models?

You need to stay on schedule and on budget, with well–tested, proven delivery methods and processes. And, your needs will change over time, so you need delivery models that offer staff and services for projects with finite deadlines and accommodate ongoing maintenance and support.
